Blogger Template by Blogcrowds

Welcome to the Back Row

Thank you for finding this brand new blog, and welcome. While searching for templates, we came across this one and were inspired to use it to create Make Films Not Movies.

Make Films Not Movies hopes to be a look at films, both past and present, movies, upcoming releases and industry news with a smattering of celebrity history and gossip.

What's the difference between a Film and a Movie? Put in it's simplest terms, a film is a work of art while a movie is a piece of entertainment (or at least tries to be). Films aren't always entertaining. Movies are never art.

We will be adding a viewing list to MFNM very soon, as well as reviewing one film and one movie to get the ball rolling. If you have any news on upcoming films, premieres or newly financed projects; or if you just want to let us know you're reading, send an email to:

Lights Up. Curtain Closed.



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